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Steven Tavares Hired To Attack San Leandro Councilmember Bryan Azevedo By Ed Hernandez Supporters

Oakland News Online Blog – vlog by Zennie62 YouTube. is the original blog post for this content.

Steven Tavares Hired To Attack San Leandro Councilmember Bryan Azevedo By Ed Hernandez SupportersSteven Tavares is an East Bay Blogger who, I am told by a large number of politicos and elected officials, is “paid to write crap about people”, as one well-known public official once said to me. So, it came as no surprise that another public official friend of Zennie62Media told me that they called San Leandro Councilmember Bryan Azevedo and said “hire Zennie62Media” because Tavarez was paid to write lies about him by a person I’m not at liberty to name.The difference between what Steven does, which he calls journalism or blogging but is really “writing crap about people”. By contrast what Zennie62Media does, reputation management for clients and blogging and vlogging,. We’re happy to share that we’re hire to defend an elected official who was treated horribly by a media hack with nothing better to do.Let me say that I do not like Steven Tavares. Why? Because Steven Tavares used his stupid podcast to make fun of me being here in the Atlanta Suburbs as caregiver to my 90-year-old Mom, saying I’m in my Mom’s basement. In other words, he made a joke of a situation where I have worked to keep my Mom healthy and out of near-death situations in the most frightening time of my life. Loren Taylor was on it, too and was laughing. I blasted both of them here: Taylor apologized but Steven never did.By contrast, I. have interviewed Steven and put him in the best light, for example: after Tavares crack about my Mom, and not apologizing for it, as far as I’m concerned he was no longer one to be considered a good person. Far from it. In fact, he comes off like an anti-black racist in my opinion. I’m not alone here.Might want to check out the late J. Douglas Allen-Taylor’s epic article about Steven Tavares called “COUNTERPOINT N—-, B—-, Hoes, and Steven Tavares”, where the great black news commentator writes ” A month ago, I wrote about an East Bay political blogger who had posted a bigoted, anti-Asian item on Twitter.Steven Tavares writes about local politics-including the Oakland mayoral race-on his EBCitizen blog , some of which is reprinted in the East Bay Express. He also follows local sports on twitter. After Oakland Raiders head coach Dennis Allen was fired at the end of September, Mr. Tavares tweeted on his Steven Tavares@eastbaycitizen twitter account that he was “waiting for my Uncle Eddie to call and tell his suddenly timely joke about the #Raiders hiring a Korean coach named Win Soon.”As I wrote at the time in an Oakland Elects column entitled “Completely And Totally Inappropriate, Wrong, And Inexcusable” Oakland Elects September 30, 2014, bigoted so-called “jokes” making fun of Asian names used to be common in American life. They have almost completely disappeared from public sight in recent years, but Mr. Tavares seems to have been under the belief that it was allright to pass on this particular bit of racist ugliness.I called upon him to provide an explanation and a public apology to both the East Bay’s Asian-American community and to East Bay citizens in general.As far as I can tell, Mr. Tavares did neither.But that was not the end of it, apparently. Following the publication of my “Completely And Totally Inappropriate, Wrong, And Inexcusable” column, a reader pointed out that this was not the only time Mr. Tavares had engaged in racist bigotry on twitter. They invited me to do a little more research on the subject, which I did.I found an earlier twitter account of Mr. Tavares—Steven Tavares @StevenTavares —which he appears to have stopped using in the spring of 2012.What I found were several disgusting tweets associated with Mr. Tavares that are—well—you’ll have to read them for yourselves and come to your own conclusions.And from there, here’s a sample of the words that Steven puts out, or put out, about black folks that you should be aware of during Black History Month.On July 1, 2010, Mr. Tavares retweeted “It’s the 1st, I know n______ out doing the most with they welfare checks lol.” Then, Mr. Taylor wrote “Mr. Tavares, who does not appear to be African-American and does not advertise himself as a rapper, seems to believe that it’s acceptable for him to do the same.”On February 19, 2010 Mr. Tavares retweeted “Yall I feel so bad for TigerWoods. He shoulda fu____ black bitches. Dey better at bein side chicks than these white hoes.”On January 17th of 2011, two days following the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday, Steven retweeted “‘To all my niggas and my bitches and my bitches and my niggas wave yo’ mothafuckin’ hands in the air!’ – MLK.”Those of you who associate with Steven carry the stench of his


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Steven Tavares Hired To Attack San Leandro Councilmember Bryan Azevedo By Ed Hernandez Supporters
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