The Alley Cat Bar Oakland

Oakland Mayor Schaaf Tells Business Group City Service Problems Are “Indefensible”

Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf
Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf
Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf

According to a number of friends who were there, Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf told members of the Oakland Jobs and Housing Coalition that the city service problems they identified were indefensible.

The setting was the Thursday November 16th morning meeting where Mayor Schaaf was the main guest, and to present her proposed ballot initiative to expand housing affordability and to improve the quality of pre-school education for Oakland students.

After her presentation, a number of members of the Jobs and Housing Coalition expressed disappointment with various city departments, and in areas like the permitting process, and in the lack of direct accountability for failures that occur. My sources said that Mayor Schaaf responded that some of the problems they mentioned were “indefensible.”

The real question is does Mayor Schaaf regard the problems as reparable, and if so, how?

One way to tell the Mayor where she and the City of Oakland are going well, and not, is to take my Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf Performamce Survey. It’s a 60 question online active list of questions taken directly from the Mayor’s own list of priorities and positions, as presented on her original website for her 2014 campaign run.

As of this writing, there are 304 completed responses and 2,367 survey visits. Check it out:

Oakland Mayor Schaaf Tells Business Group City Service Problems Are “Indefensible”
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