Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf outlined a set of goals and objectives – well, really just objectives but not stated goals – for which we can now use to measure her performance during her first term to this date.
With that in mind, I took her actual list of “stated positions and priorities” and made this checklist survey template for Oaklanders to use and respond to. As this is written, I’m working on an actual online survey based on this template. It will be ready by Friday of this week.
Meanwhile, here’s the report card template. Consider this sort of a cheat sheet before the actual survey is released.
Oh, and the reason why there’s no information on the positions here is that I want to see what your impression is, and I don’t want to lead you to answer one way or the other.
Here’s the survey embded, created with the use of Zoho’s SAAS system. The link to the survey’s own page is here: Click here to use the survey’s own page.
Public Safety
Did The Mayor: Connect with Communities and Restore Community Policing?
Answers: Yes. No. Not sure.
Did The Mayor: Strengthen Police Force –maintain a baseline of 800 officers and a goal of 925?
Answers: Yes. No. Not sure.
Did The Mayor:Hire More Civilian OPD Employees?
Answers: Yes. No. Not sure.
Did The Mayor Speed Up Police and Emergency Response with an Improved 911 System?
Answers: Yes. No. Not sure.
Did The Mayor Get Maximum Benefit from Violence Prevention and Intervention Programs?
Answers: Yes. No. Not sure.
Did The Mayor Keep Youth Out of Prison?
Answers: Yes. No. Not sure.
Did The Mayor: Focus on Root Causes of Crime, Starting with Jobs, Better Wages and Education?
Answers: Yes. No. Not sure.
Did The Mayor: Will Appoint a Vice Mayor for Community Safety?
Answers: Yes. No. Not sure.
Did The Mayor: Learn from Successes and Failures of Other Cities?
Answers: Yes. No. Not sure.
Did The Mayor: Work with City Attorney to Reduce Payments of Claims for Police Misconduct by Half?
Answers: Yes. No. Not sure.
Did The Mayor: End Federal Supervision on OPD saving $2M per year?
Answers: Yes. No. Not sure.
Did The Mayor: Expand Access to High-Quality Education for All Oakland Students?
Answers: Yes. No. Not sure.
Did The Mayor: Expand Student Access to Personalized Learning and Technology?
Answers: Yes. No. Not sure.
Did The Mayor: Strengthen and Expand Pathways to College and Career?
Answers: Yes. No. Not sure.
Did The Mayor: Develop Restorative Practices for Youth Across City Agencies?
Answers: Yes. No. Not sure.
Did The Mayor: Make Oakland “Teacher Town USA”?
Answers: Yes. No. Not sure.
21st Century Government
Did The Mayor: Implement 311 System for Better Service Delivery?
Answers: Yes. No. Not sure.
Did The Mayor: Implement CityStat Performance Accountability System for City Employees?
Answers: Yes. No. Not sure.
Did The Mayor: Embrace Public-Private Partnerships?
Answers: Yes. No. Not sure.
Did The Mayor: Combat the “Digital Divide” and Engage Residents?
Answers: Yes. No. Not sure.
Did The Mayor: Innovation Fellowships for City Employees?
Did The Mayor: Invest in Infrastructure, Use Bonding Against Future Revenue?
Answers: Yes. No. Not sure.
Did The Mayor: Create a 5- and 10-year Capital Planning Program?
Answers: Yes. No. Not sure.
Did The Mayor: Fund Street and Pothole Repair?
Answers: Yes. No. Not sure.
Did The Mayor: Pursue State Funding for Streets?
Answers: Yes. No. Not sure.
Did The Mayor: Assess the Value of City-Owned Assets?
Answers: Yes. No. Not sure.
Did The Mayor: Save Money and Hassles on Repaving Projects?
Answers: Yes. No. Not sure.
Did The Mayor: Make Oakland Responsible and Collaborative About Deferred Liabilities?
Answers: Yes. No. Not sure.
Did The Mayor: Cultivate Additional Revenues and Cost-Savings?
Answers: Yes. No. Not sure.
Did The Mayor: Capture Value from Real Estate and New Growth?
Answers: Yes. No. Not sure.
Did The Mayor: Respond Strategically to the Dissolution of Redevelopment?
Answers: Yes. No. Not sure.
Livable Neighborhoods and Sustainable Transportation
Did The Mayor: Speed Up the Transformation of Parks and Open Spaces?
Answers: Yes. No. Not sure.
Did The Mayor: Care for Our Libraries, Community, Sports and Cultural Facilities?
Answers: Yes. No. Not sure.
Did The Mayor: Make Transportation a Priority in City Hall?
Answers: Yes. No. Not sure.
Did The Mayor: Slow Down Neighborhood Streets?
Answers: Yes. No. Not sure.
Did The Mayor: Grow Bikesharing and Safe Cycling Routes Across Oakland?
Answers: Yes. No. Not sure.
Did The Mayor: Make Transit a Great Option?
Answers: Yes. No. Not sure.
Did The Mayor: Make Streets Good Places for People?
Answers: Yes. No. Not sure.
Did The Mayor: Make Parking Make Sense?
Answers: Yes. No. Not sure.
Did The Mayor: Plan Our Neighborhoods for Appropriate Development?
Answers: Yes. No. Not sure.
Preserving Affordability and Cultural Identity
Did The Mayor: Help Get New Housing Built?
Answers: Yes. No. Not sure.
Did The Mayor: Look for New Housing Funds and Use Affordable Housing Funding Strategies That Work?
Answers: Yes. No. Not sure.
Did The Mayor: Pursue Additional Sources of Funding for Affordable Housing?
Answers: Yes. No. Not sure.
Did The Mayor: Prioritize Protection of Current Rentals?
Answers: Yes. No. Not sure.
Did The Mayor: Incentivize the Creation of Affordable Units?
Answers: Yes. No. Not sure.
Did The Mayor: Get Tough on Bad Landlords?
Answers: Yes. No. Not sure.
Did The Mayor: Fight for Oakland’s Fair Share?
Answers: Yes. No. Not sure.
Did The Mayor: Raise the Minimum Wage to a Livable Wage?
Answers: Yes. No. Not sure.
Did The Mayor: Bring Down the Cost of Living?
Answers: Yes. No. Not sure.
Economic Revitalization
Did The Mayor: Support New Business Formation?
Answers: Yes. No. Not sure.
Did The Mayor: Retain and Expand Existing Businesses?
Answers: Yes. No. Not sure.
Did The Mayor: Market Oakland as a Great Place for Business?
Answers: Yes. No. Not sure.
Did The Mayor: Partner with Businesses to Create Training?
Answers: Yes. No. Not sure.
Did The Mayor: Help Workers Secure Jobs and Prepare for Careers?
Answers: Yes. No. Not sure.
Did The Mayor: Lift Up Our Small Businesses?
Answers: Yes. No. Not sure.
Did The Mayor: Make “Made in Oakland” a Reality?
Answers: Yes. No. Not sure.
Did The Mayor: Attract New Employers?
Answers: Yes. No. Not sure.
Did The Mayor: Cut Red Tape for New and Expanding Businesses?
Answers: Yes. No. Not sure.
Did The Mayor: Make Neighborhoods with the Highest Unemployment “Job Creation Zones”?
Answers: Yes. No. Not sure.