The Alley Cat Bar Oakland

Oakland Politics

Oakland A’s Howard Terminal Ballpark Proposal Won’t Cost Taxpayers Contrary To San Francisco Media

This Howard Terminal Oakland Ballpark post is based on The Oakland A’s Howard Terminal Ballpark Proposal Will Not Cost Taxpayers – Here’s Why at, also owned by Zennie62Media, Inc. This is the latest blog post effort by Zennie62Media’s Oakland News Now to bat down the wave of completely wrongheaded so-called news “articles” regarding Howard […]

Oakland Bulk And Oversized Terminal Focus Of Greg McConnell Interview

The Oakland Bulk And Oversized Terminal, the Oakland Army Base Redevelopment Project that was won by Phil Tagami and California Capital Investment Group (CCIG) in 2009, is the focus of a 39 minute interview of Oakland Jobs and Housing Coalition Executive Director Greg McConnell by Zennie Abraham of Zennie62Media.

Former Oakland Black Panther Elaine Brown 2017 Deposition In The Matter of Elaine Brown v Desley Brooks

Zennie Abraham note: this document (converted from PDF to .doc file and then inserted into the Zennie62Media Oakland News Online blog) is Elaine Brown’s account of what happened during an argument between she and Oakland Councilmember that happened on October 30th 2015. One that resulted in a civil court judgment against Brooks and the City of Oakland to the cost of just over $3 million.

Oakland City Councilmember Desley Brooks April 25, 2016 Statement In The Matter Of Elaine Brown v. Brooks

Zennie Abraham note: this document (converted from PDF to .doc file and then inserted into the Zennie62Media Oakland News Online blog) has not seen the public light of day prior to this publishing of it. Note the date. I was informed that Oakland City Councilmembers have seen this. Since that’s the case, why did some elect to believe Elaine Brown’s account of what happened, even though the focus of her anger, in both versions, was her issue with Brook’s negative position on her housing project that was before the Oakland City Council? One could think that Brown may have an incentive to fashion a story that gets Councilmember Brooks into trouble.

Mayor Schaaf Must Form A Sports Task Force – Her New Oakland A’s Stadium Hire Won’t Solve The Problem – Zennie Abraham

Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf is the one I back for re-election as our leader, but that’s not going to stop me from making some very pointed criticisms of the way she’s handled the topic of sports in Oakland.

Oakland Police Racism Toward Blacks Uncovered In 2016, 2017 Studies, But What Has Been Done About It?

A study released in July of 2017 focused on information drawn from Oakland Police body cameras and determined that Oakland Police Officers behaved “less respectfully” toward blacks than other racial and etbic groups. Basically, it’s called “racism”, which is defined as “prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one’s own race is superior.”

Holiday Giving To Support Unsheltered Oakland Neighbors

Oakland, CA (Press Release) — During this season of holiday giving, the plight of our unsheltered neighbors is likely in the hearts and minds of Oaklanders, many of whom will make charitable donations and contributions of various kinds to reduce the suffering of those on our streets.

Oakland City Council Votes to Advance Adult Use Cannabis – With Kaplan’s Amendments

OAKLAND, CA – Tonight, Oakland City Council unanimously voted to advance adult use cannabis, with amendments authored by Councilmember Kaplan to ensure effective implementation. Councilmember Kaplan’s amendments include: the community request to make sure approvals don’t get stuck in Revenue and Planning departments due to cross-departmental delays, and protecting applicant information from the Federal government.

Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf’s State Of The City Speech, Thursday Nov 3rd, 2017

Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf’s staff for some reason used this Facebook page to post her State of The City Speech, even though the result was not used to be distributed via other social media. Sad.

Oakland Councilmember Lynette Gibson McElhaney Talks City of Oakland’s Race and Gender Disparity Study

As part of what’s called The Oakland Disparity Study, Mason Tillman Associates held a poorly publicized meeting to interested members of the Oakland Minority Business Community on October 24th at Oakland City Hall, that featured a speech by Oakland Councilmember Lynette Gibson McElhaney. Here’s the embed of her talk:

Oakland Sharing The Vision Original Members List From 1992

Oakland Sharing The Vision (OSV) was an effort to bring 1,000 Oaklanders together to form goals and objectives that were to be a path to civic growth. What Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf calls the ‘secret sauce” of Oakland, what our city is, is in large degree reflected in the work of OSV.

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