FAA Update: Oakland Raiders Las Vegas NFL Stadium Comment Time Shortened

This is the email I received from the FAA:

Hi Zennie –

The answer is simple and straight forward. Here you go:


The FAA routinely works with project sponsors throughout the U.S. and tries to understand their constraints and deadlines. When possible, we can reduce the comment period providing it doesn’t affect our ability to conduct a thorough review of the project. Because critical milestone dates for the Las Vegas stadium project would be affected by a 30-day-plus comment period, we were able to reduce the comment period without affecting the integrity of our airspace study.


The same interested parties who automatically received notice of the original comment period have automatically received notice of the revised comment period.

The revised comment period will not inhibit any stakeholder’s ability to comment.

The FAA has not made a final determination on this project. via IFTTT

Zennie Abraham

By Zennie Abraham

Zennie Abraham is CEO of Zennie62Media, Inc., Oakland's first blogger and vlogger, and a pioneer YouTube Vlogger at Zennie62 YouTube Channel. Subscribe to Zennie62 YouTube here: https://www.youtube.com/zennie62